Episode 19 Part 1 of 2: Editing our Night Images

Photography is a mix of the technical and the creative, and it will come as no surprise that it is the same with editing. And so following that logic I decided to break up my first editing episodes here on the podcast into two parts.

This first episode explores the creative side of editing.

Night photography, and specifically Milky Way and other astrophotography is a genre in it’s own class. There are things about this type of photography that are not shared with many if any other genres. 

At some point (and perhaps it has already happened) you will be in a position where you have to defend the images you are creating, and your use of editing.

And when you are undertaking the journey of learning a new software, like Photoshop, you also need to have a plan. Which comes not only from understanding the technical, granular bits of the program, but also the larger creative purpose.

That is what today’s episode is all about at it’s core. Next week? We get technical!

When you finish listening, I'd love to hear your biggest takeaway from today’s episode. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, share it to your Instagram or Facebook stories and tag me. @kristinerosephotography 

And if you want to take the conversation deeper I’d love to have you inside my podcast Facebook group here!



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